natural awakenings magazine articles of 2024

"Innate Power of the Breath" January/2024

Breathing is simple, natural and something that we typically do without thinking. However, taking time to learn and practice deep breathing techniques holds the potential for life-changing results. Becoming more conscious of our breath provides a powerful healing tool right inside our body – an endless resource that can be called upon at a moment’s notice.

During the process of breathing, air is pulled into the lungs where oxygen is extracted and dispersed throughout the body, while carbon dioxide is exhaled. Breathing is controlled by one of the most primitive aspects of the brain known as the medulla oblongata. This part of the brain automatically starts at the moment a baby enters the world and takes its very first wailing breath.

Babies have the natural tendency to breathe into their bellies which allows their breathing to function at maximum capacity...
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"The Wonders of Tuina Massage" February/2024

Tuina (pronounced ‘twee-nah’) is an ancient Chinese method of medical massage which has gained worldwide popularity as of late. It is considered to be the oldest system of bodywork and one of the four main branches of Chinese medicine along with Acupuncture, Qigong and Taiji, and Chinese herbal medicine that are traditionally used to promote natural healing of body.

As a deep form of physical massage, Tuina also focuses on balancing a person’s energy based on the theory that improper flow of qi (vital energy) can cause blockages and imbalances that lead to symptoms such as pain. Its main goal is to remove energetic blocks that are causing stagnation in the flow of qi and blood along with working toward the creation of harmonious balance between yin and yang energies.
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"Qi Building at its Best" March/2024

Boosting qi (vital energy) of the kidney is a major component of maintaining health and longevity. This ancient holistic paradigm views the kidney as a yin organ system associated with the water element. As the body’s water gate, the kidney rules water and provides the foundation for movement and transformation of all bodily !uids. It is the “root energy” governing health of the lower back, bones, knees, ears and hair on the head.

Chinese medicine is filled with recommendations for building and protecting kidney energetics – many based on the fact that it “loves warmth.” To begin with, avoid walking barefoot on cold !oors as the first energy point of the kidney meridian is located on the soles of the feet. Keep the lower back covered to protect the kidney from getting too cold. To activate kidney energy, place a hot water bottle or heated ginger tea compress over the lower back.

Chinese dietary therapy recommends warm foods and drinks for tonifying this organ system.
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"The Power of a Smile" April/2024

The act of creating an “inner smile” is an ancient practice with Daoist roots. An inward smile ignites mindfulness, effortless focus, self- integration, and a more positive state of being !lled with peace. It can be further directed to aspects of the body such as internal organs to cleanse them energetically. This includes anger from the liver, grief from the lung, worry from the spleen, fear from the kidney, and overjoy and sadness from the heart.

The Daoists have known for millennia that “smiling down” into the body has profound healing results. Researcher James Laird posed the question as to whether people were happy because they smiled or smiled because they were happy. Through application of electrodes on the participants’ foreheads and cheeks, Laird found that those who were tricked into smiling were signi!cantly happier.

BA University of Michigan study used photography as a cover story taking pictures of peo- ple saying “ee” or “ooo” to exemplify cheer or disgust and found that those who said “ee” were happier...
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"The Interoception Buzz" May/2024

The brain is constantly receiving signals from the body such as hunger, fear, or any number of internal sensations both positive and negative.

These signals are transmitted via a process known as interoception, whereas those coming from outside of the body are processed through exteroception. Interoception operates on both conscious and subconscious levels and has a direct impact on perception, cognition, and emotion.

Such information turns out to be critical to self-awareness, experience of emotion, and maintenance of bodily homeostasis. Interoception stems from the brain integrating signals relayed from the body via a diversity of neural pathways to subregions (including the brainstem and thalamus). It strengthens the brain’s ability to predict and anticipate internal needs as it seeks to fulfill them to regulate the body’s processes.

On the other hand, disconnect between the brain and body signal or misrepresentation of internal states are believed to be an underlying root cause of conditions such as anxiety, depression, panic, attention deficit, and obsessive compulsive behavior.
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"Going with the Flow" June/2024

Chinese (East Asian) medicine successfully treats many gynecological issues by addressing the body's health through the menstrual cycle. $is ancient medical paradigm o%ers a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating menstrual problems, including Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Approximately 90% of women experience some form of physical and emotional PMS symptoms, which can vary in intensity, duration, and frequency. $ese symptoms include breast tenderness, cramps, bloating, appetite variations, acne, sleep disturbances, and emotional changes such as irritability, mood swings, and anxiety.

Chinese medicine works to alleviate PMS symptoms by discovering and treating a woman's energetic imbalance, thereby resolving the root internal cause. $e primary purpose is to restore balance and free "ow of qi (vital energy) and blood throughout the body's energetic pathways. A practitioner assesses the pulse and existing symptoms to determine the root cause, o!en involving the liver, which governs smooth "ow of qi and blood.
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"The Great Eliminator of Chinese Medicine" July/2024

The large intestine meridian contains the most commonly used acupuncture point of large intestine 4 (he gu) located bilaterally on the back of the hand in the angle between the bones of the thumb and forefinger. This acupoint is known for tonifying yang energy, regulating the stomach and intestines, along with eliminating pain and toxins from the body. As with all acupuncture points, its name – “Joining of the Valleys” – has been attributed according to its translation from Chinese calligraphy and indicates its unique spiritual attributes and ways of delivering healing support. Just as valleys in the landscape of the earth wash away debris from the mountainside to the sea, this acupuncture point helps a person eliminate accumulated waste of their mind, body, and spirit.

As “The Great Eliminator”, treatment of this special acupuncture point releases physical constipation along with negative thoughts and attitudes. It is championed for creating the space for inherent inspiration and positivity to blossom through flushing out that which is stale and toxic. This is a prime example of how acupuncture works on a spiritual level to promote deep holistic healing.
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"The Gate of Life" August/2024

An energetic area exists on the centerline of the back between the kidneys known as “mingmen” and commonly described as “The Gate of Life”. Chinese medicine teaches us that this is where a person’s original life-essence is created. This major “center of transformation” is formed at the moment of conception, even before the formation of a fetus. According to Taoist cosmology, mìngmén is said to be where heaven and earth meet and interact within a human being to produce life.

Throughout life, mingmen serves to strengthen energetic immunity and provides the body with warmth from what is traditionally known as the “life gate fire” of mingmen. This form of fire moves throughout the body within three burning spaces known as the “Triple Warmers”. The upper warmer is located within the chest cavity, the middle warmer on the abdomen below the diaphragm and above the belly button, and the lower warmer within the abdominal cavity below the belly button.
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"Getting Pressure Down" September/2024

Thirty-two percent of American adults have been diagnosed with this condition – stemming from genetics or side effect from another condition – with approximately 54 percent having it under control. Regardless of cause, it is essential to identify and manage high blood pressure which includes having regular visits with a physician. They might recommend that a person record their blood pressure at home and then bring in their results to be analyzed. They may also find it necessary to recommend a medication right away.

The first step in managing blood pressure begins with a low sodium diet (AHA recomends no more than 1,500 milligrams of salt per day) to help the body release excess fluid. Otherwise, ingesting too much salt raises blood pressure by causing the body to retain water – thereby increasing the volume of blood in the veins and arteries.

The ancient exercises of Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong are also recommended for managing flow of blood and energy throughout the body.
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"No Worries" October/2024

Qigong Exercise to Release Excessive Worry
Prepare: Sit up straight on a comfortable chair with your feet on the floor and palms resting on your lap. Look downward and rest your eyes as you center yourself.
Breathe through your nose with mouth closed and take a deep breath into your lower belly. Simultaneously concentrate your mind on your spleen below your ribs on the left front side of your body. Upon doing so, apply your mind to bathe your spleen in the color yellow.
Next, exhale through your nose with your mouth closed. Simultaneously, vocalize the sound “whooooo” and release excessive worry from your spleen, sending it downward into the earth.
Repeat 12-36 times.
Lastly, take a moment to sit quietly and reflect on your experience. Allow yourself to feel your feelings. You may sense a change in the way energy is flowing within your spleen system. And when you are ready, begin to move and stand up. Then brush yourself off to release any kinks and get on with the rest of your day.
Integrate this Qigong exercise into your daily meditation and exercise protocol.
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"The Cycles of Life" November/2024

Chinese medicine wisdom teaches us that everything in life has a cycle. The Five Elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood) transition into one another nourishing and controlling each other in set patterns. Then there are the Three Treasures of jing (vital essence), qi (vital energy) and shen (spirit) that are mutually supportive as they transi-tion into one another. The polar opposites of yin-yang wax and wane as they move throughout the changing of seasons – whereby spring relates to birth, summer to openness and growth, autumn to retraction, and winter to storage.

As in nature, human beings have their own rhythm and shift accordingly. Chinese medi-cine teaches that females and males transition through life in cycles of seven and eight years, respectively. This provides a framework for the process of aging at various stages of life and how it may affect health – with jing providing the impetus, the energy for moving harmoniously throughout the cycles of life.
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"New Year, New You" December/2024

Here we go again, it is the time of year once again to reassess one’s life and set sights high for creating a plan to increase exercise, eat healthier, establish better boundaries, have more fun and the list goes on and on. Creating a list of goals is the easy part, the challenge comes with carrying them through. Doing so on a consistent basis takes a certain amount of clear focus and will power.

In Chinese medicine, mental clarity is related to energetics of the Spleen and will power to that of the Kidney. A balanced Spleen ensures that clear qi (vital energy) raises to the head and brain without becoming obstructed. While a balanced Kidney as the root energy of the body strengthens a person’s will to turn “a yin idea into a yang reality”. This is exactly what it takes to get the job done.

Many things can be done to build will power through maximizing Kidney energy. This begins with a simple Qigong exercise first thing in morning to warm-up the Kidneys (as they love warmth!). It entails forming fists and circling them over the lower back nine times in one direction, then nine times in the opposite direction while standing up or laying down.
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