natural awakenings magazine articles of 2013 through 2014


"Awakening QI Immunity through Chinese Medicine" Dec/2014

Several herbs have proven efficacy for strengthening immunity, discover what they are.


"Glowing Skin: Our Precious Protector" Nov/2014

Ample vital energy and essence creates healthy, vibrant skin – find out how to create this for yourself.


"Acupunture Life Lift" Oct/2014

It is true - the insertion of tiny needles balances internal energies and summons self-healing Qi power.


"Qi is Key for Peak Nutrition" Sept/2014

Did you know your spleen energy is "the source of life" forming essence derived from food you eat?


"Acupuncture for the Little Ones" Aug/2014

Children heal themselves naturally through the Qi restorative process of acupuncture – learn more!


"A Monumental Step for Chinese Herbal Medicine" July/2014

Understand more about Chinese herbal treatment and its integration into Western medicine.


"Acupuncture for Facial Rejuvenation and More" June/2014

Softening wrinkles and recovering youthfulness of the skin through acupuncture – it really works.


"The Ancient Art of Mindful Breathing" May/2014

Become more centered, integrated, confident, intuitive and present through mindful breathing.


"Bring on those Babies with Acupuncture" April/2014

Age-old treatment for balancing internal forces of Yin and Yang to improve fertility.


"Wondrous Pain Relief through Acupuncture" March/2014

Acupuncture not only treats symptoms, but also the root cause to ameliorate pain.


"Ancient Panacea for Modern Times" Feb/2014

Find out how Qigong counteracts daily stress and life pressures .


"Peak Digestion through Balanced Emotions" Jan/2014

Learn how to counteract Qi depletion stemming from emotional disturbance.


"Manifestation through Mind Intent"   Dec/2013

Discover how to use the mind to direct your energy through Qigong.


"Tai Chi: The Magic of Repetition" Nov/2013

Relax the tight muscles and facilitate Qi flow through Tai Chi movement to decrease tension and pain.